
Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
John Baham
Emeritus Appointment
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Current research areas emphasize: biogeochemical and mineralogical processes in seasonally reduced soils and riparian zones focusing on the mobility of P and the role of "green rust" minerals on water quality; management of viticultural soils.


Daniel Ball
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Dan Ball is Professor Emeritus of Weed Science with the Oregon State University, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center near Pendleton, Oregon. He has served at the Center for over 23 years, with research and Extension responsibilities for weed management in dryland crops, and more...

Mylen Bohle
Academic Wage Appt - Salaried
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  • Hay, forage, and cereal production.
  • Fertility and irrigation management.
  • Weed control in organic forage systems.
Peter Bottomley
Emeritus Appointment
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Current Work Focus: Research on various aspects of soil microbial ecology and microbial physiology including: nitrogen cycling in soils; population ecology of soil bacteria; physiology and ecology of nitrification; genomics of nitrifying bacteria.

Research Projects...

Bill Brewster
Emeritus Appointment
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Weed Science

Marvin Butler
Emeritus Appointment
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Grass Seed, Vegetable Seed, Peppermint

Thomas Chastain
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
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My role at OSU is to serve as Professor Emeritus of Seed Crop Physiology and Ecology and former Department Head of Crop and Soil Science.  Seeds are the foundation of our civilization.  My career in research and teaching has been focused on the seed.  My interests include seed germination and...

Neil Christensen
Emeritus Appointment
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Soil Science

Mary Corp
Emeritus Appointment
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I work with various techniques to control weeds in dryland wheat production. This work includes seeding rates, seeding patterns, and various in-crop tillage options. Currently I am looking at the effects of green manure on moisture-limited dryland wheat production. In addition, I am studying...

Glenn Fisher
Emeritus Appointment
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Plant and livestock insects

John Hart
Emeritus Professor

Plant Nutrition

Patrick Hayes
Academic Wage Appt - Salaried
Emeritus Faculty
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Dr. Patrick Hayes is a Professor Emeritus of Barley Breeding and Genetics at Oregon State University. Since 1986 his research team has focused on barley - in its many forms and uses. Research thrusts have included: development of winter and facultative habit malting barley varieties; the many...

Russell Karow
Emeritus Appointment
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Gary Kiemnec
Emeritus Appointment
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Dr. Kiemnec is one of two Crop & Soil Science faculty at Eastern Oregon University who offer Crop Management degrees at that location and support degrees in Rangeland Management and Agricultural Business. Dr. Kiemnec has primary responsibility for soils and pest management related classes....

Sandy Macnab
Emeritus Appointment
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Crop Production

Carol Mallory-Smith
Emeritus Appointment
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Weed Science

  • ORE00180 Gene Flow and Hybridization Between Jointed Goatgrass and Wheat
  • ...
Mark Mellbye
Emeritus Appointment
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Jay Noller
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Career Research Interests

(present day)
AI-driven Drug discovery and Development
Art Science
AI-driven Soil Geomorphology and Forest Ecosystem Mapping
Archaeological Agriculture
Earthquake Geology...
Clinton Shock
Emeritus Appointment
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Production of onions, potatoes, and specialty crops using precision irrigation. Lead the research program on environmental issues including erosion control, excessive nutrient losses in surface water runoff, and groundwater contamination with nitrate and Dacthal breakdown products. Effectively...

Garry Stephenson
Dir-Ctr Sm Farms/Comm Food Sys (retired)
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Garry is a Professor, Extension Small Farms Specialist and Director of the Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, an alternative farming program at Oregon State University that is striving to change the world through small scale organic/sustainable agriculture and local/regional...

Dan Sullivan
Emeritus Appointment
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Program Goals

  1. Investigating and improving on-farm management practices for organic nutrient sources such as manure, municipal biosolids, and compost
  2. Providing Extension clientele and students with actionable research-based information to guide soil fertility...
William Young
Emeritus Appointment
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Extension Specialist Seed Production

Robert Zemetra
Contact person by email

Wheat Breeding and Genetics